• Students will have to regularly participate in the contact programmes of the University.
  • Students should apply for admission only after considering the profit and loss and after obtaining necessary permission from parents and guardians.
  • In the event of their participation, submission of examination form, the examination fee will not be refunded.
  • If a candidate desires to participate in the exams in the following year only 50% of the Examination fee will be waived. There will be no concession in any other fee.
  • If a candidate desires to participate in the exams in the next year, he will have to submit an application again.
  • The University has ventured to conduct the on demand system of Examination for the drop out and failed candidates in MARCH, JUNE, SEPT and DEC months of every year itself. With the help of this process of examination the student will get more opportunities to join the different Higher Education Courses. This process was introduced first time in India by COUNCIL.
  • In order to take part in the examinations candidates must submit their Examination Form by 30th March with all fees to the concerned Centre / Chandigarh Office. Last date to submit their form with late fee is 30th April.
  • All the Examinations conducted by, the University are based on the regular, private, correspondence, open & distance Education system. Students who pass in all parts will get certificates /Upadhi Patras.
  • Students who change, address, subject and course after admission will have to pay Rs. 50/- 100/-, and Rs. 250/- extra respectively for the purpose. Two months after the application and admission, no change whatsoever shall be entertained nor any fee refunded.
  • Students should clearly indicate name of the centre and their subject in the application forms. Normally any change in the centre and subjects is not permissible. Examinees should be particular in selecting the Examination Centre and subjects and mention in the examination form. (The list of Examination Centers is enclosed with the examination form).
  • If any Student/Members/Teachers/Employees of a centre or Institution have any dispute with his institution, it will be resolved through the Arbitrator/ Committee appointed by University. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on all parties. Direct intervention of the court will not be permissible. All disputes will be subject to the jurisdiction of Chandigarh only. All legal disputes shall be settled as per English version of prospectus. English is only translation and not applicable in legal matters.


  • Examinees who want to get their results reviewed will have to deposit a sum of Rs. 250/- for each subject within 30 days of the Publication of the result by the Secretary, Punjab State Council of Basic and Technical Education, Punjab.
  • In scrutiny only the marks as entered in the register and its total will be compared with those given in the examinees answer sheets. Re-examination of the answer sheets will not be possible in any case.
  • Scrutiny, under any circumstances will not be done in the presence of the candidate or his representative.
  • In case there is any favourable change in scrutiny it will be communicated to the candidate at the earlier & reviewed marks sheet will be sent accordingly.


  • The application form should be properly and neatly filled in & the entries should be correct to the best of the knowledge and information of the candidate. If found otherwise, the Parishad reserves the right to reject the application similarly.
  • The incomplete applications and those received after the fixed date will not be considered. In special circumstances students may send applications form through registered post or personally submit the same in Parishad’s office.
  • After obtaining admission, the student shall submit the examination form through the Study/Examination Centers only. Those candidates who do not fill in their examination form will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
  • Students belonging to Scheduled Castes, Tribes, Backward Classes, Physically Handicapped Category or dependents of ex-army men should submit the concerned certificate to that effect with the application.
  • Students have to pay the fees for full course in three installments, the first installment of which with the application, second installment after two months from date of first installment, third and last installment after two month from date of second installment. 10% discount should be given in the payment of whole fees at once. It is obligatory on students to pay the dues in time. They should not wait for the last day/ reminders from the Council. Non-Payment of dues may result in discontinuation of material supply. Defaulters will not be permitted to appear in examination. Students may get the details of fee payable from their Admission Centre/Prospectus.
  • In correspondence course, students need not purchase books. All the study material like notes/books are supplied by the Study/Admission Centres without any extra charge.
  • All payments should be remitted to the office at Chandigarh either by Bank Draft or M.O. in case of late payment late fee will be payable.

Medium: University provides courses in Hindi and English medium only. However, if there is a facility, in affiliated colleges for teaching in regional or other languages students may be allowed to write their answers in that language.


  • Generally only one Centre in a district will be approved. However, if necessary, More than one centre can be accepted. The second centre will be at distance of not less than 20 Km. from the first.
  • Council has given the responsibility of Correspondence course to a reliable Private Institution viz. Indian Institute of Professional Studies, Lucknow-10 All Centres / Examination Centres are required to work under the guidance of this Institution. Parishad does not accept direct applications. Bank Drafts can be sent to the Institute or University concerned. The centres are established on the recommendation of the above Instt. Only.
  • According to the University Rules, approval for opening new centres will be for three years on a temporary basis to beginning with and not more than 5 courses will be allowed at the first.
  • If the Centres performance in satisfactory, the question of giving extension for recognizing it as a permanent centre can be considered after three years.
  • At least 35 students should be taking part in a session for one examination at a new centre. If the number of students in less, they will be transferred to the nearest centre for appearing in the Exam. For which no prior notice will be given.
  • No centre is entitled to open a sub-centre or a branch. This requires prior approval of the Parishad.
  • The jurisdiction of a centre will we strictly in terms of the registered norms of the Institution/Trust.


The following shall be the remuneration payable for services rendered by Council Representatives/centres/sub-centres, etc. during 2004-2005.

Candidate/Student No. Remuneration
2 to 10 10% + Study Material
11 to 24 20% Royalty + study material
25 to 150 25% Royalty + study material
151 to 399 30% Royalty + study material
400 and above 35% Royalty + study material

In case of large number of students letters of appreciation will be awarded. Study materials will be provided by the Council. In case of private students appearing for programmes of the Council no remuneration shall by payable.

If any Centre provides facilities to students for their studies etc. with the permission of Council, then the centre will be required to deposit the special fee which is 60% of the total correspondence fee per students. For regular course, at least 25 students must be appearing for each course.

Remuneration based on the number of students will be paid in December and within one month from the date of completion of exams. In case where students have paid only one instalment of their fee, no remuneration shall be payable and also they will not be eligible for transfer to another centre.